I have been using Aria Operations and True Visibility Management Packs quite a bit recently. This is mostly to get visibility into databases that are being provisioned by VMware Data Services Manager (DSM). I just learnt that we released a bunch of new Management Packs (v9.1) only last week, including updated Management Packs for both PostgreSQL and MySQL. In this post, I will deploy a new PostgreSQL database via Data Services Manager (DSM) 2.0, add the necessary database configuration options and extensions, and then add the database to Aria Operations True Visibility for PostgreSQL databases for monitoring. You might ask…
This is another short video showing the main steps to configure Aria Operations (formerly vRealize Operations) to monitor databases provisioned via VMware Data Services Manager (DSM). Note that there is a requirement to install True Insight Management Packs for PostgreSQL (and MySQL) with Aria Operations. Thus, there may be a licensing cost associated with this. However, if you are already using Aria Operations as your single pane of glass for monitoring all of your vSphere Infrastructure, then there may be benefits to using the same mechanism to monitor your databases. The purpose here is to demonstrate that provisioning databases via…
Regular readers will know that I have been spending quite a bit of time recently looking at Kubernetes running on vSphere. I’ve written a number of posts on the storage side of things, which you can read here as part of my 101 series. I also posted about how you can setup vRealize Operations Manager 7.5 and add the Management Pack for Container Monitoring. This provide some really good dashboards for examining the state of your K8s clusters, as well as detailed breakdowns into K8s node VM health and performance (CPU, Memory, DIsk IO). Not only that, but you can…
The vROps Management Pack for Container Monitoring is something that I had been meaning to install and configure for a while now, but I just haven’t had a chance until very recently. If you didn’t know. VMware’s vRealize Operations has a Management Pack for Container Monitoring. This includes adapters for both the Pivotal Container Service (PKS) as well as Kubernetes. In my environment I had already deployed PKS which I was then using for deploying my Kubernetes clusters. I found the official documentation a little light on what exact information was required for both the PKS Adapter and the Kubernetes…
Last month we announced the release of a new vROps Management Pack specifically for vSAN. Previously the vSAN Management Pack was bundled with the MPSD – Management Pack for Storage Devices. I wrote about this when it entered beta, way back in 2015. Well, for those customers who are only interested in monitoring vSAN, and didn’t want all the other parts of the MPSD, the new vSAN Management Pack is now a stand-alone offering, so no MPSD required. This new vSAN Management Pack focuses on 3 main areas of vSAN: (1) Health and Availability, (2) Performance Analysis and (3) Capacity…
Today sees the release of the vRealize Operations Management Pack for Storage Devices (MPSD) version 6.0.2. This is exciting for me as it means that vROps now has management and monitoring features for Virtual SAN 6.0. The management pack comes with a set of default dashboards for Virtual SAN clusters, as well as the ability to monitor and create proactive alerts/notifications based on VSAN events. I took the vROps Management Pack for a spin a little while back, and used it on my own lab cluster. Included below are a few of the features that it has.
Virtual SAN already has a number of features and extensions for performance monitoring and real-time diagnostics and troubleshooting. In particular, there is VSAN Observer, which is included as part of the Ruby vSphere Console (RVC). Another new feature is the Health Check Plugin, which was recently launched for VSAN 6.0. However, a lot of our VSAN customers are already using vRealize Operations Manager, and they have asked if this could be extended to VSAN, allowing them us to use a “single pane of glass” for their infrastructure monitoring. That’s just what we have done, and the beta for the vROps…