
cormac-china Cormac Hogan works in the VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) division at VMware by Broadcom. His role is to bridge the gap between customers and the engineering and product teams, helping to define vision and strategy for VMware by Broadcom products. He is the author of a number of books relating to vSAN, VMware’s Hyper-converged Infrastructure (HCI) solution, as well as a “Kubernetes for vSphere Administrators” book. He is a regular speaker at VMware User Group meetings, VMware Explore and other events. This is his personal blog, mostly related to VMware technologies in the storage, virtualization, data and Kubernetes space.


The views expressed anywhere on this site are strictly mine and not the opinions and views of VMware.


14 Replies to “About”

  1. Very Good Website. Is there any similar site on networking technologies related to VMware product created by your counterpart in VMware Networking Team 🙂

  2. Thank you for sharing your analysis and insight! Well done and greatly appreciated as a great resource! Definitely a bookmark sight

  3. Hi Cormac, good to see your new site. Thanks for sharing your knowledge here, as you have done since we met back in our Tech Support days.

  4. You are simply Awesome. I simply love everything at VMware and learnt VSAN from your posts, you’re a true Guru, BIG FAN 🙂 🙂

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