New Webinar: VCF Data Services Manager for Practitioners

Hey all! Quick note to let you know that we are running another 1 hour Data Services Manager webinar. This one is part of the VCF webinar series and will take place on August 14th, 2024 at 11am PST. This is 7pm for those of us in Ireland and the UK, and 8pm for most of western Europe. This webinar will be technical and is focused at practitioners – essentially VI Admins and anyone responsible for managing data and data services on vSphere infrastructure. For those of you who are not aware, Data Services Manager is a way to deploy,…

Provisioning databases with Aria Automation, Cloud Consumption Interface and Data Services Manager – Part 4: DSM

Welcome to the 4th and final part of configuring the Cloud Consumption Interface (CCI) in Aria Automation to enable a user to provision databases using one or more Supervisor Cluster Namespaces. In the previous 3 parts to this setup, we saw how to install Aria Automation v8.17 for CCI support, and how to install the CCI Service onto the Supervisor.  In the most recent post, we went through the steps to configure the CCI to allow an Aria Automation user create Namespaces on a Supervisor and subsequently provision Kubernetes clusters using the TKG Service and VMs via the VM Service.…

Data Services Manager version 2.1 now available

It gives me great pleasure to announce the availability of Data Services Manager version 2.1. The team have been working tirelessly on this release to deliver on new features and functionality. In this post, I will cover a number of the big ticket items found in this release. In later posts, I will delve into these features in more detail, so watch this space. Visit the DSM section of the Broadcom Support Portal to download the product. VMware Cloud Foundation customers are automatically entitled to DSM, and in this release we are making it even easier to stand up your…

Provisioning databases with Aria Automation, Cloud Consumption Interface and Data Services Manager – Part 3: CCI Config

In this series of posts, we saw in part 1 how to setup Aria Automation version 8.17. This is required for Cloud Consumption Interface support. In part 2, we saw how to enable the Cloud Consumption interface (CCI) in the Supervisor of vSphere with Tanzu. However, even though CCI is now deployed as a Supervisor Service, it is not yet completely configured to work with Aria Automation. Thus, it is still not yet possible for an Aria Automation user to interact with the Supervisor in vSphere with Tanzu to create TKG clusters or VMs using the VM Service. This is…

Provisioning databases with Aria Automation, Cloud Consumption Interface and Data Services Manager – Part 2 : CCI

In the part 1 blog post, we discussed how to setup Aria Automation version 8.17 so that it could be used with Cloud Consumption Interface (CCI) to provision databases using Data Services Manager. In this post, we will look at the steps to integrate Aria Automation with CCI. There is a dependency here on vSphere 8.0U2 and vSphere with Tanzu, which we will assume has already been deployed. Thus, the main task at this point is to setup and enable the CCI Service on the Supervisor Cluster of vSphere with Tanzu. (Although I haven’t done a blog post of vSphere…

Provisioning databases with Aria Automation, Cloud Consumption Interface and Data Services Manager – Part 1: Setup

I recently read a blog post by my colleague Maher on some enhancements made to Aria Automation version 8.17 to include an on-premises version of our Cloud Consumption Interface (CCI).  As per our documentation, CCI enables Automation Service Broker DevOps users to provision Supervisor namespaces and use its associated services to create Kubernetes workloads using mainly the VM Service and the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service within vSphere namespaces. What really peaked my interest was an update from our own Data Services Manager (DSM) product team stating that we could also used the new version of Aria Automation version 8.17 with CCI to…

Getting started with VCF Data Services Manager 2.x – Part 12: Aria Operations for Logs

In this post we are going to look at the log forwarding mechanism in VCF Data Services Manager (DSM). Logs come from two places in DSM. The first is from the DSM Provider Appliance itself, and the second is from the databases and data services which are provisioned by DSM. Two techniques are used to forward the logs to Aria Operations for Logs, formerly known as Log Insight. For the DSM Provider Appliance, we use the Operations for Logs / Log Insight agent. For the databases and data services we use FluentBit. FluentBit can be considered a lightweight version of…