Replacing Data Services Manager Database Certificate

Earlier this week, I published an blog on how to replace the certificates on the DSM Provider VM/Appliance with an admin’s own custom certificates for secure communication to the appliance. In this post, I want to do something similar, but this time show how an admin can add a custom certificate to a DSM provisioned database. This means that customers will be able to add additional trust and security measures to the connections that clients are making to the databases. The process will be quite similar to that outlined in the previous post for the appliance. Once again, I will not be going into any detail into how to create the certificate as there are many ways to do this. I will once again use the Cert Manager Supervisor Service that is available with the vSphere IaaS Control Plane (formerly known as vSphere with Tanzu) to create my certificates. I will then take that certificate secret, modify it and apply it to my DSM Gateway API Server. The final step will be to update my database to use this new custom certificate by changing its configuration to point to the newly created secret.

Step 1: Create Certificate Signing Request

When you examine the certificate of the database initially, you will see that it is managed by DSM.

We will now create a custom certificate to replace it. We begin by building the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using the YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) format. This CSR is sent to the Cert Manager to create a certificate for us to use on our database. This results in the creation of a secret that contains the certificate information. The secret will be created in the namespace cormac-ns on the vSphere IaaS Control Plane. This is the same vSphere IaaS environment and namespace that I used to build the provider certificate mentioned earlier, so it already has a cert issuer available called my-ca.

% kubectl get issuer my-ca
my-ca   True    3d21h

I can now go ahead and build out the YAML manifest for the certificate signing request. Note that the ipAddress: entry is unnecessary unless you wish to continue to allow users to access the database via IP address as well as FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name).

kind: Certificate
  name: mysql01
  namespace: cormac-ns
  secretName: mysql01-cert-tls
      my-secret-annotation-1: "secret"
      my-secret-label: squirrel
    name: my-ca
    kind: Issuer
    - xx.yy.zz.aa

Step 2: Create and tidy up certificate secret

After sending the CSR request to the Cert Manager, a new secret with the certificate information is created. The certificate / secret will be populated populated with a “leaf” Certificate, Private Key and Certificate Authority (CA). Once created, the secret can be exported into a new “secret” YAML manifest that we will use in our DSM environment.

% kubectl apply -f csr-mysql01.yaml created

% kubectl get secrets mysql01-cert-tls 
NAME               TYPE                DATA   AGE
mysql01-cert-tls   3      63s

% kubectl get secrets mysql01-cert-tls -o yaml > mysql01-cert-tls-secret.yaml

Now we need to tidy up the secret YAML manifest. Edit the secret YAML manifest using using your local editor of your choice and remove the following fields from the YAML manifest:

  • creationTimesteamp
  • uid
  • resourceVersion
  • namespace (database secrets go into default namespace)

Now we have a YAML manifest that can be applied in DSM which holds the custom certificates for our database.

Step 3: Switch context to DSM Gateway API

Let’s now switch context to the DSM Gateway API by downloading the kubeconfig as we did in the previous blog post from the DSM UI. In this example, I am not setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable, but rather setting the path to the config in each command using the –kubeconfig option. The path to the downloaded DSM Gateway API is ~/Downloads/kubeconfig-gateway. You can use either method, either command line option or environment variable. Start by creating the certificate secret. Note that there is no reference to namespace in the command or in the YAML manifest as the secret is expected to be placed in the default namespace.

% kubectl apply -f mysql01-cert-tls-secret.yaml --kubeconfig ~/Downloads/kubeconfig-gateway.yaml
secret/mysql01-tls-secret created

Verify that the secret has been successfully created.

% kubectl get secrets --kubeconfig ~/Downloads/kubeconfig-gateway.yaml
NAME                      CREATED AT
mysql-mysql01             2024-07-22T16:00:49Z
mysql01-tls-secret        2024-08-16T11:19:47Z

Step 4: Apply the custom certificate to the database

We can now apply the secret/certificate to the database. Check the state of the database that you wish to add the certificate to. In this example, I am using a MySQL database and the status is READY. We can go ahead and add the secret/certificate.

% kubectl get mysqlclusters --kubeconfig ~/Downloads/kubeconfig-gateway.yaml
NAME      STATUS   STORAGE   VERSION                      AGE
mysql01   Ready    60Gi      8.0.34+vmware.v2.1.1-rc.10   24d

Next edit the database to add your secret/certificate. This step updates the spec.tls.secretName field in the database to point to the secret, which in turn contains the certificate information. Your contents might look slightly different in your environment but you can add the spec.tls.secretName following the same format as below. The tls: field is inset by 2 spaces under the spec section, whereas the secretName field is inset by four spaces. See below:

% kubectl edit mysqlclusters mysql01 --kubeconfig ~/Downloads/kubeconfig-gateway.yaml
    name: infra-policy-01
  members: 1
  storagePolicyName: vSAN Default Storage Policy
  storageSpace: 60Gi
    secretName: mysql01-tls-secret

Save the changes made above and within a very short period of time, the database should show up in the DSM UI as using a custom cert.

And that concludes how to add a custom certificate to a DSM provisioned database. Note that this process is supported on MySQL standalone databases and MySQL clustered databases, as well as PostgreSQL standalone databases.

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