Paper Edition of Essential Virtual SAN (VSAN) now available
I just learnt this morning that the paper edition of the Essential Virtual SAN (VSAN) book that I wrote with my colleague and good pal Duncan Epping is now available. The e-book and kindle versions were available a couple of weeks ago, but its great to see the paper edition hit the shelves. The book will hopefully have all you need to get you up and running with VSAN, including architecture details and design considerations. We tried to include everything that someone involved in VSAN administration would need.
I can now appreciate the time and effort that authors put into writing books. This is my first book, and although I had written a number of white papers and presentations in the past, this was something very new for me. Thanks again to Duncan for his help with getting this project up and running, to Christos and Paudie for reviewing the content, and of course to VMware Press for agreeing to publish it. I hope you find the book useful. Go VSAN!
I liked the look of the cover! Congratulations Cormac. Wish you more success. Good luck!