This video will show the power of the Gateway API in Data Services Manager (DSM) 2.0. The Gateway API is a Kubernetes API for the creation, modification, query and deletion of DSM objects. There are two personas related to the Gateway API, the infrastructure admin and the DSM admin/user. The video shows how to retrieve the Kubernetes configuration file (kubeconfig) for each of the personas. It also shows how to use the gateway API to create infrastructure components such as an IP Pool, a VM Class and an Infrastructure Policy. The gateway API is a great tool for those administrators…
I have created a new video showing how to create an PostgreSQL database in Data Services Manager (DSM) version 2.0. The objective is to show how simple it is to not only deploy a database, but also how the provisioning steps allows different vSphere infrastructure resources to be selected during the provisioning stage. This is achieved through Infrastructure Policies which we learnt about in the previous video. The demo also touches on features such as automated backups, automated lifecycle management and advanced settings, all of which may be configured at database deployment time.
I have created a new video showing how to create an Infrastructure Policy in Data Services Manager (DSM) version 2.0. Infrastructure Policies enable VI Admins to control which vSphere resources are being consumed by data services and databases provisioned by DSM. The video will also cover how to build an IP Pool and a VM Class, as well as choosing Compute Resources, Portgroups and Storage Policies to create a complete Infrastructure Policy.