WaveFront Collector Issues: Error in scraping containers

I was very pleased last week, as I managed to get a bunch of metrics sent from my Kubernetes cluster into Wavefront by chaining proxies together. I was successfully able to see my cluster’s Kube-state Metrics and Kubernetes Collector Metrics in Wavefront. However, on closer inspection, I noticed that a number of the built-in Wavefront Kubernetes dashboards were not being populated (Kubernetes Metrics and Kubernetes Metrics by Namespace), and then I found a number of errors in the Wavefront collector logs in my deployment. This post will describe what these errors were, and how I rectified them. There were 2…

Setting up Velero 1.0.0 to backup K8s on vSphere/PKS

I have written about Velero a few times on this blog, but I haven’t actually looked at how you would deploy the 1.0.0 version, even though it has been available since May 2019. Someone recently reached out to me for some guidance on how to deploy it, as there are a few subtle differences between previous versions. Therefore I decided to document step-by-step how to do it, but focusing on when your Kubernetes cluster is running on vSphere. I also highlight a gotcha when using Velero to backup applications that are running on Kubernetes deployed via Enterprise PKS, Pivotal Container…

Validating Kubernetes cluster conformance with Sonobuoy

Another product added to the VMware portfolio with the acquisition of Heptio is Sonobuoy. In a nutshell, Sonobuoy will validate the state of your Kubernetes cluster by running a suite of non-destructive tests against your cluster. As part of the end-to-end (e2e) tests that are run by Sonobuoy, there is a also a subset of conformance tests run as well. These include things like best practices and interoperability tests. This will ensure that your Kubernetes cluster (whether is an upstream version or a third-party packaged version) supports all of the necessary Kubernetes APIs. You can read more about conformance here.…

Configuring vROps 7.5 Management Pack for Container Monitoring

The vROps Management Pack for Container Monitoring is something that I had been meaning to install and configure for a while now, but I just haven’t had a chance until very recently. If you didn’t know. VMware’s vRealize Operations has a Management Pack for Container Monitoring. This includes adapters for both the Pivotal Container Service (PKS) as well as Kubernetes. In my environment I had already deployed PKS which I was then using for deploying my Kubernetes clusters. I found the official documentation a little light on what exact information was required for both the PKS Adapter and the Kubernetes…

Getting started with Velero 1.0.0-rc.1

Last week, the Velero team announced the availability of release candidate (RC) version 1.0.0. I was eager to get my hands on it and try it out. Since it is RC (and not GA), I thought I would just deploy a fresh environment for testing.  The guidance from the Velero team is to test it out in your non-critical environments! On a number of Velero github sites, the links to download the binaries do not appear to be working, plus some of the install guidance is a little sparse. Anyhow, after some trial and error, I decided it might be…

Portworx, STORK and container volume snapshots

As I continue on my cloud native storage journey, I found myself looking at Portworx. The reason for this was down to the fact that Portworx provide a plugin for the Heptio Velero product, and I was interested to see how this behaved on top of my vSphere on-premises infrastructure. I’ve written about Velero a few times already, and done a few posts where I leveraged the Restic plugin for snapshot functionality. Thus, I wanted to see how Portworx achieved the same thing, and wanted to learn about bit more about STORK, Portworx’s Storage Orchestrator for Kubernetes. I’ve written about…

PKS and NSX-T: Error: Timed out pinging after 600 seconds

I’m still playing with PKS 1.3 and NSX-T 2.3.1 in my lab. One issue that I kept encountering was that when on deploying my Kubernetes cluster, my master and worker nodes kept failing with a “timed out” trying to do a ping. A bosh task command showed the errors, as shown here. cormac@pks-cli:~$ bosh task Using environment ‘’ as client ‘ops_manager’ Task 845 Task 845 | 16:56:36 | Preparing deployment: Preparing deployment Task 845 | 16:56:37 | Warning: DNS address not available for the link provider instance: pivotal-container-service/0c23ed00-d40a-4bfe-abee-1c Task 845 | 16:56:37 | Warning: DNS address not available for the…