A very short post simply to bring an issue to your attention which a number of folks have pinged me about this week. With vSAN 6.6, there is a new feature called Configuration Assistant. As the name implies, it tries to highlight possible configuration issues with your vSAN infrastructure. A number of these checks are related to network configuration. Configuration Assistant checks to make sure that the vSAN network has availability by verifying that there are 2 or more physical NICs. For example, let me show you my setup. Here is my vSAN vmkernel port, and as you can see,…
vSAN 6.6 is finally here. This sixth iteration of vSAN is the quite a significant release for many reasons, as you will read about shortly. In my opinion, this may be the vSAN release with the most amount of new features. Let’s cut straight to the chase and highlight all the features of this next version of vSAN. There is a lot to tell you about. Now might be a good time to grab yourself a cup of coffee.