vRealize Automation SPBM Integration Solution v2.1.0 is out

Last week I wrote about the new vSAN management pack for vRealize Operations. This week sees another nice new storage feature/solution released. This time it is a solution to integrate vRealize Automation and Storage Policy Based Management (SPBM). For those of you who saw the VMworld 2016 keynotes, you may remember Yanbing Li demonstrating the ability to have a VM move to a completely new datacenter, based on storage policy compliance. In essence, if a VM exits compliance with its storage policy (for whatever reason),  vRealize Automation SPBM integration can initiate a migration of this VM  to a completely different…

Deploy Kubernetes as a service on Photon Controller v1.1

Now that we have seen how to deploy Photon Controller v1.1 with vSAN, we will look at another new feature of this version of Photon Controller. At VMworld 2016 in Barcelona, Kit Colbert mentioned that one of the upcoming features of Photon Controller is the ability to deploy Kubernetes As A Service on top of Photon Controller. In this post, we will look at that feature, but also how to deploy the Kubernetes VMs (master, etcd, workers). While we have been able to deploy K8S on Photon Controller in previous releases, this version 1.1 simplifies that process greatly, as you…

Kubernetes on vSphere

I’ve talked a lot recently about the various VMware projects surrounding containers, container management, repositories, etc. However one of the most popular container cluster managers is Kubernetes (originally developed by Google). To use an official description, Kubernetes (or K8S for short) is a “platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts”. So this begs the question about how easy is it to deploy K8S on vSphere. I have already documented how K8S can be deployed on Photon Platform. But can you easily deploy Kubernetes on a vSphere infrastructure. The answer now is that it…

Can Storage Policies be used with VIC?

The answer is an emphatic yes. One can absolutely use storage policies with vSphere Integrated Containers (VIC). However, there is currently no way to specify a policy at the docker CLI when creating a container (at this time). Therefore one would have to deploy the VCH, then deploy the container, and then finally modify the storage policy as appropriate. My understanding is that consideration is being given to a way to do this at deployment time, but at the present, it involves a number of steps. Let’s discuss them in turn.

Some upcoming VMUG appearances

A quick note to let you know about some upcoming VMware User Group appearances in Italy and Denmark. On November 15th, I will be appearing at the Italian VMUG UserCon. This will be held in the Hotel NH Milano Congress Centre, Strada 2a, 20090 Assago Milan. Then towards the end of the month, I will be back once more at the Nordic VMUG UserCon in Copenhagen. This is on November 30th and will be held in the Scandic Hotel, Vester Søgade 6, 1601 København, Denmark. On both occasions I will be discussing various VMware projects in the Cloud Native Apps…

What’s new in Virtual SAN 6.5

I know that there will be a lot of information coming your way from various sources on this exact topic. Obviously, I would urge you to check out the latest and greatest documentation from our technical marketing guys for deeper detail and “how-to” guides. However, I did want to provide a brief overview of what new VSAN features are available in vSphere 6.5. Note that we also refer to this version of VSAN as 6.5.