Provisioning databases with Aria Automation, Cloud Consumption Interface and Data Services Manager – Part 3: CCI Config

In this series of posts, we saw in part 1 how to setup Aria Automation version 8.17. This is required for Cloud Consumption Interface support. In part 2, we saw how to enable the Cloud Consumption interface (CCI) in the Supervisor of vSphere with Tanzu. However, even though CCI is now deployed as a Supervisor Service, it is not yet completely configured to work with Aria Automation. Thus, it is still not yet possible for an Aria Automation user to interact with the Supervisor in vSphere with Tanzu to create TKG clusters or VMs using the VM Service. This is…

Provisioning databases with Aria Automation, Cloud Consumption Interface and Data Services Manager – Part 2: CCI

In the part 1 blog post, we discussed how to setup Aria Automation version 8.17 so that it could be used with Cloud Consumption Interface (CCI) to provision databases using Data Services Manager. In this post, we will look at the steps to integrate Aria Automation with CCI. There is a dependency here on vSphere 8.0U2 and vSphere with Tanzu, which we will assume has already been deployed. Thus, the main task at this point is to setup and enable the CCI Service on the Supervisor Cluster of vSphere with Tanzu. (Although I haven’t done a blog post of vSphere…

Provisioning databases with Aria Automation, Cloud Consumption Interface and Data Services Manager – Part 1: Setup

I recently read a blog post by my colleague Maher on some enhancements made to Aria Automation version 8.17 to include an on-premises version of our Cloud Consumption Interface (CCI).  As per our documentation, CCI enables Automation Service Broker DevOps users to provision Supervisor namespaces and use its associated services to create Kubernetes workloads using mainly the VM Service and the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service within vSphere namespaces. What really peaked my interest was an update from our own Data Services Manager (DSM) product team stating that we could also used the new version of Aria Automation version 8.17 with CCI to…

VCF Data Services Manager 2.0.2 – Aria Automation Integration (Video)

Possibly the most eagerly anticipated feature associated with VCF Data Services Manager v2.0.2 is a new set of DSM capabilities for Aria Automation. A new Custom Resource allows DSM PostgreSQL and MySQL databases to be provisioned from Data Services Manager via Aria Automation. If your organisation already uses Aria Automation and you are looking for a DBaaS (Database as a Service) solution, then you should definitely take a closer look at this integration. Read more about the integration here.

Data Services Manager v2.0.2 available with new Aria Automation Integration

Data Services Manager (DSM) version 2.0.2 is now available. Possibly the most eagerly anticipated feature associated with this release is a new set of DSM capabilities for Aria Automation. A new Custom Resource allows DSM PostgreSQL and MySQL databases to be provisioned from Data Services Manager via Aria Automation. If your organisation already uses Aria Automation and you are looking for a DBaaS (Database as a Service) solution, then you should definitely take a closer look. The engineering team has done a great job in making the deployment process of the Custom Resource as seamless as possible, and the…