Deploying VIC v0.7.0 in multi-cluster, multi-DVS infras

I’ve been liaising with one of our customers in the UK who is currently evaluating vSphere Integrated Containers in a very large vSphere infrastructure. In this infrastructure, a single vCenter Server is managing lots and lots of vSphere clusters, and very many distributed switches (DVS) and distributed portgroup. There were some issues encountered when trying to select the correct compute resource  and correct distributed portgroup for a particular Virtual Container Host, which I will highlight in this post.

Lets look at the errors first. This was seen when only the name of the resource was added to the vic-machine command line during an attempt to deploy the Virtual Container Host (VCH).

INFO[2016-11-16T14:21:16Z] Validating supplied configuration
INFO[2016-11-16T14:21:16Z] Configuring static IP for additional networks \
using port group "VIC"
INFO[2016-11-16T14:21:16Z] Suggesting valid networks for --external-network
ERRO[2016-11-16T14:21:16Z] Unable to list networks: network '*' not found
INFO[2016-11-16T14:21:16Z] Suggesting valid networks for --client-network
ERRO[2016-11-16T14:21:16Z] Unable to list networks: network '*' not found
INFO[2016-11-16T14:21:16Z] Suggesting valid networks for --management-network
ERRO[2016-11-16T14:21:16Z] Unable to list networks: network '*' not found
INFO[2016-11-16T14:21:16Z] Suggesting valid networks for --bridge-network
ERRO[2016-11-16T14:21:16Z] Unable to list networks: network '*' not found
INFO[2016-11-16T14:21:17Z] DRS check OK on:
INFO[2016-11-16T14:21:17Z]   "/xxxx/host/Main-Cluster/Resources"
ERRO[2016-11-16T14:21:17Z] --------------------
ERRO[2016-11-16T14:21:17Z] Error checking network for --external-network: \
network 'VIC' not found
ERRO[2016-11-16T14:21:17Z] Error checking network for --client-network: \
network 'VIC' not found
ERRO[2016-11-16T14:21:17Z] Error checking network for --management-network: \
network 'VIC' not found
ERRO[2016-11-16T14:21:17Z] An existing distributed port group must be specified \
for bridge network on vCenter: network 'xxx' not found
ERRO[2016-11-16T14:21:17Z] 501 Not Implemented
ERRO[2016-11-16T14:21:17Z] Create cannot continue: configuration validation failed
ERRO[2016-11-16T14:21:17Z] --------------------
ERRO[2016-11-16T14:21:17Z] vic-machine-linux failed: validation of configuration failed

It would appear that one cannot simply supply just the “name” of the compute resource and distributed portgroup in environments that have multiple clusters and multiple distributed switched. To overcome this, you will need to supply the full path to these components when deploying the VCH. For example, you would need the following for –compute-resource:


and to specify a distributed portgroup for one of the VCH networks, e.g. –bridge-network:


This is really just a heads-up. For small, single cluster, single DVS environments, you don’t need to worry about this. But for more large scale environments, you will need to consider these paths to resources when deploying a VCH.

One Reply to “Deploying VIC v0.7.0 in multi-cluster, multi-DVS infras”

  1. Great article, I have really enjoyed your article. You show how to deploy VIC v0.7.0 in multi-cluster and multi-DVS infrastructure and you have highlighted some issues also . I have some doubts on this and now you have cleared my all the doubts and I totally understood these paths .Thanks for sharing . The way you explained each and everything is really great. Thanks once again.

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