My VMworld 2015 – Barcelona (#STO4572, #STO6228, #HOL1608)
I’m delighted to say that the two sessions that I co-presented at VMworld in San Francisco last month are also going to be delivered at VMworld in Barcelona next month.
STO4572 – Successful Virtual SAN Evaluation/Proof-Of-Concepts
Tuesday, Oct 13, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Hall 8, Room 24
I’ll be co-presenting this session with Julienne Pham of VMware who has built up a wealth of field experience on VSAN. We’ll cover everything you need to know about a VSAN proof of concept, including how to prepare for a VSAN POC, how to conduct various failure scenarios, and how to get the best performance. Thinking about deploying VSAN? This is one not to miss.
STO6228 – Monitoring and Troubleshooting VSAN
Thursday, Oct 15, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Hall 8, Room 23
We released a bunch of cool features for monitoring and troubleshooting Virtual SAN over the past year. I’ll be talking about the complete suite of tools that are available to VSAN Administrators for monitoring and troubleshooting VSAN, and how you can resolve them with the tool-set currently available. My co-speaker, Christian Dickmann, will also be talking about some cool new plans we have in the whole area of VSAN management and troubleshooting.
HOL1608 – VSAN [A-Z]
This Hands-On-Lab not only includes a lot of workflows specific to VSAN, but the idea is to show off the ecosystem that has built up around VSAN. We will be showing off some management tools in the form of new management packs coming for vROps, as well as file services from Nexenta and security/encryption services from HyTrust. If you want to get some hands-on exposure to VSAN, this is the lab for you.
Hope to see you there.