My VMworld 2014 – Barcelona (#STO2996-SPO #TEX1985)
After a great VMworld 2014 in San Francisco, it’s nearly time for the European version which is once again in the beautiful city of Barcelona, Spain. I thought I’d put together a short post on some of my activities, Hopefully you can join me for some.
Introduction to Virtual Volumes – vBrownBag session (Tuesday, October 14th at 2:15pm – Hang Space) I’m delighted to be joined by Nick Dyer of Nimble Storage for an overview of our forthcoming Virtual Volumes. I’ll be sharing our vision for VVols in the whole Software Define Storage story, and Nick will share with you some examples of how Nimble are implementing VVols. Thanks to the vBrownBag team for hosting us.
STO2996-SPO – The vExpert Storage Game Show (Wednesday, October 15th at 4:15 PM) OK, I’ll be honest, this session was a bit mental in San Francisco. This is a Pure Storage sponsored session, and it’s basically a VSAN team from VMware vs a flash team from Pure. It is supposed to be a combination of fun and education (but the onus is definitely on fun). Us VMware guys won the game show in San Francisco so let’s see if the Pure guys can redeem themselves in Barcelona. If you want to see grown men make fools of themselves, and maybe learn a little about Pure storage all flash arrays and VSAN, sign up.
TEX1985 – Lessons Learnt from a VSAN POC (Thursday, October 16th at 1PM). This is another repeat session from San Francisco. Arsenio Mateo (Trend Micro) will share his experiences with implementing a proof-of-concept (POC) with VSAN, and I’ll add to it by highlighting “gotchas” various folks have encountered with VSAN implementations. If you are planning your own VSAN POC anytime soon, this session is a must-attend.