VOMA – Found X actively heartbeating hosts on device

One of the long-awaited features introduced with vSphere 5.1 was VOMA (vSphere On-disk Metadata Analyzer). This is essentially a filesystem checker for both the VMFS metadata and the LVM (Logical Volume Manager). Now, if you have an outage either at the host or storage side, you have a mechanism to verify the integrity of your filesystems once everything comes back up. This gives you peace of mind when wondering if everything is ok after the outage. There is a requirement however to have the VMFS volume quiesced when running the VOMA utility. This post will look at some possible reasons…

vCenter Server 5.1.0b Released

This is a follow-up to my previous post on the 5.0U2. At the same time, VMware also released vCenter 5.1.0b. This post will look at the storage items which were addressed in that update, although the issues that are addressed in the storage space are relatively minor compared to the enhancements made in other areas. Note that this update is for vCenter only – there is no ESXi 5.1 update.

vCloud Director 5.1 & Storage DRS

Another feature which was introduced in vSphere 5.1 & vCloud Director 5.1 was the interoperability between vCloud Director & Storage DRS. Now vCloud Director can use datastore clusters for the placements of vCloud vApps, and allow Storage DRS do what it does best – choose the best datastore in the datastore cluster for the initial placement of the vApp, and then load balance the capacity and performance of the datastores through the use of Storage vMotion.

Boot from Software FCoE – Detailed

For those of you who have been following my new vSphere 5.1 storage features series of blog posts, in part 5 I called out that we have a new Boot from Software FCoE feature. The purpose of this post is to delve into a lot more detail about the Boot from Software FCoE mechanism. Most of the initial configuration is done in the Option ROM of the NIC. Suitable NICs contain what is called either a FCoE Firmware Boot Table (FBFT) or a FCoE Boot Parameter Table (FBPT). For the purposes of this post, we’ll refer to it as the…