This video will show you the steps involved in deploying Apache Mesos on VMware’s Photon Controller product using the “cluster” mechanism available in Photon Controller. It uses Photon Controller CLI to create a tenant, resource ticket and a project. It then shows how to create an appropriate image for VMs to run Mesos, how to enable the Photon Controller deployment for Mesos clusters, and finally the creation of the cluster. After the deployment has succeeded, you are shown some command outputs and Photon Controller UI views of the running cluster. I decided to pick Mesos in this case, as I…
Another framework that can be very quickly stood up on Photon Controller is Mesos. Apache Mesos is yet another cluster framework for container orchestration and availability (yes, there are many). The steps for deploying the Photon Controller Installer, deploying Photon Controller and creating the tenants, resource tickets and projects are identical to those outlines in steps 1,2 and 3 of my Docker SWARM on Photon Controller post. There is no point in repeating all of the steps here. I will highlight some of the other steps involved in deploying Mesos on Photon Controller, but I don’t really want to focus…