I’ve recently been involved in some design and sizing for very large VMDKs on vSAN. There are a couple of things to keep in mind when doing this, not just the overhead when deciding to go with RAID1, RAID5 or RAID6, but also what this means for component counts. In the following post, I have done a few tests with some rather large RAID-5 and RAID-6 VMDKs, just to show you how we deal with it in vSAN. If you are involved in designing and sizing vSANs for large virtual machines, you might find this interesting.
This week I was in Berlin for our annual Tech Summit in EMEA. This is an event for our field folks in EMEA. I presented a number of VSAN sessions, including a design and sizing session. As part of that session, the topic of VSAN memory consumption was raised. In the past, we’ve only ever really talked about the host memory requirements for disk group configuration as highlighted in this post here. For example, as per the post, to a run a fully configured Virtual SAN system, with 5 fully populated disk groups per host, and 7 disks in each…