Obviously you will need to have a PKS environment, and there are some steps on how to do this in other posts on this site. PKS provisions Kubernetes cluster that can then be used for deploying container based applications. The container based application that I am going to use is a simple Nginx web server application, and I will create a persistent container volume (PV) that can be associated with the application to create some persistent content. There are two parts to the creation of a persistent volume. The first is the StorageClass which can be used to define the intended policy for a PV which will be dynamically provisioned. Here is the sample storage class manifest (yaml) file that I created:
root@pks-cli:~/nginx# cat nginx-storageclass.yaml kind: StorageClass apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1 metadata: name: nginx-storageclass provisioner: kubernetes.io/vsphere-volume parameters: diskformat: thin hostFailuresToTolerate: "0" datastore: vsanDatastore root@pks-cli:~/nginx#
As you can see, I have selected the vsanDatastore and my policy is NumberOfFailuresToTolerate = 0. I could of course have added other policy settings, but I just wanted to see it working, so I kept it simple. You will need to note the name of the StorageClass, as you will need to use that in the claim next. Here is what my persistent volume claim manifest (yaml) file looks like:
root@pks-cli:~/nginx# cat nginx-pvc-claim.yaml kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: nginx-pvc-claim annotations: volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class: nginx-storageclass spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 2Gi root@pks-cli:~/nginx#
Note that the storage class created previously is referenced here. Now it is time to create the manifest/yaml file for our Nginx application. You will see in that application’s manifest file where the StorageClass and PV are referenced.
root@pks-cli:~/nginx# cat nginx-harbor-lb-pv.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: nginx
app: nginx
namespace: default
type: LoadBalancer
- port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 80
app: nginx
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
app: nginx
name: nginx
namespace: default
replicas: 1
app: nginx
namespace: default
- name: webserver
image: harbor.rainpole.com/library/nginx
- containerPort: 80
- name: nginx-storageclass
mountPath: /test
- name: nginx-storageclass
claimName: nginx-pvc-claim
A few things to point out with this manifest. I configured a LoadBalancer so that I can point my application is easily accessible from the outside world. Also I am using Harbor for my images and I am not downloading them from an external source. Now we are ready to start deploying out application with its persistent volume. Note kubectl is the client interface to the Kubernetes cluster. It talks to the API server on the master node. This then reads the manifest/yaml file and deploys the application on the cluster.
root@pks-cli:~/nginx# kubectl create -f nginx-storageclass.yaml storageclass "nginx-storageclass" created root@pks-cli:~/nginx# kubectl create -f nginx-pvc-claim.yaml persistentvolumeclaim "nginx-pvc-claim" created root@pks-cli:~/nginx# kubectl get sc NAME PROVISIONER AGE nginx-storageclass kubernetes.io/vsphere-volume 10s root@pks-cli:~/nginx# kubectl get pv NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE pvc-99724675-8c10-11e8-939b-005056826ff1 2Gi RWO Delete Bound default/nginx-pvc-claim nginx-storageclass 15s root@pks-cli:~/nginx#
The PV is now setup. Let’s deploy our Nginx application, and get the PV mounted on /test in the container. We can also look at the kubectl describe command to see the events associated with the mount operation.
root@pks-cli:~/nginx# kubectl create -f nginx-harbor-lb-pv.yaml service "nginx" created deployment "nginx" created root@pks-cli:~/nginx# kubectl describe pods Name: nginx-65b4fcccd4-vqrxc Namespace: default Node: 86bfa120-77f7-4eb2-9783-87c9247da886/ Start Time: Fri, 20 Jul 2018 12:50:27 +0100 Labels: app=nginx pod-template-hash=2160977780 Annotations: <none> Status: Running IP: Controlled By: ReplicaSet/nginx-65b4fcccd4 Containers: webserver: Container ID: docker://57a3b709b1f18d60f9b4e7472c7f4c4b8657d8e233eedc25a2118740af83000b Image: harbor.rainpole.com/library/nginx Image ID: docker-pullable://harbor.rainpole.com/library/nginx@sha256:edad5e71815c79108ddbd1d42123ee13ba2d8050ad27cfa72c531986d03ee4e7 Port: 80/TCP State: Running Started: Fri, 20 Jul 2018 12:50:31 +0100 Ready: True Restart Count: 0 Environment: <none> Mounts: /test from nginx-storageclass (rw) /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from default-token-b62vf (ro) Conditions: Type Status Initialized True Ready True PodScheduled True Volumes: nginx-storageclass: Type: PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace) ClaimName: nginx-pvc-claim ReadOnly: false default-token-b62vf: Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret) SecretName: default-token-b62vf Optional: false QoS Class: BestEffort Node-Selectors: <none> Tolerations: <none> Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal Scheduled <invalid> default-scheduler Successfully assigned nginx-65b4fcccd4-vqrxc to 86bfa120-77f7-4eb 2-9783-87c9247da886 Normal SuccessfulMountVolume <invalid> kubelet, 86bfa120-77f7-4eb2-9783-87c9247da886 MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "default-token-b62vf" Normal SuccessfulMountVolume <invalid> kubelet, 86bfa120-77f7-4eb2-9783-87c9247da886 MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "pvc-99724675-8c10-11e8-93 9b-005056826ff1" Normal Pulling <invalid> kubelet, 86bfa120-77f7-4eb2-9783-87c9247da886 pulling image "harbor.rainpole.com/library/nginx" Normal Pulled <invalid> kubelet, 86bfa120-77f7-4eb2-9783-87c9247da886 Successfully pulled image "harbor.rainpole.com/library/nginx" Normal Created <invalid> kubelet, 86bfa120-77f7-4eb2-9783-87c9247da886 Created container Normal Started <invalid> kubelet, 86bfa120-77f7-4eb2-9783-87c9247da886 Started container root@pks-cli:~/nginx#
Excellent. It does look like the volume has mounted (slide the window from left to right to see the full event output). We can now open a shell session to the container and verify.
root@pks-cli:~/nginx# kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE nginx-65b4fcccd4-vqrxc 1/1 Running 0 2m root@pks-cli:~/nginx# kubectl exec -it nginx-65b4fcccd4-vqrxc -- /bin/bash root@nginx-65b4fcccd4-vqrxc:/# mount | grep /test /dev/sdd on /test type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered) root@nginx-65b4fcccd4-vqrxc:/#
You will also notice a number of events taking place on vSphere at this stage. The creation of the PV requires the creation of a temporary VM, so you will notice events of this nature happening:
Once the volume is created, the PV should be visible in the kubevols folder. Since I specified the vsanDatastore in the StorageClass manifest, that is where it will appear.
Now let’s try to do something interesting to show that the data is persisted in my PV. With the shell prompt to the container application, we will do the following. We will navigate to /usr/share/nginx where the default nginx landing page is found, we will copy it to /test where our PV is mounted. We will make changes to the index.html file and save it off. Next we will stop the application, modify its manifest file so that our PV is now mounted on /usr/share/nginx/ and when the application is accessed, it should show us the modified landing page.
root@nginx-68558fb67c-mdlh5:/# cd /usr/share/nginx root@nginx-68558fb67c-mdlh5:/usr/share/nginx# ls html root@nginx-68558fb67c-mdlh5:/usr/share/nginx# cp -r html/ /test/ root@nginx-68558fb67c-mdlh5:/usr/share/nginx# cd /test/html root@nginx-68558fb67c-mdlh5:/test/html# ls 50x.html index.html root@nginx-68558fb67c-mdlh5:/test/html# mv index.html oldindex.html root@nginx-68558fb67c-mdlh5:/test/html# sed -e 's/nginx/cormac nginx/g' oldindex.html >> index.html root@nginx-68558fb67c-mdlh5:/test/html# exit root@pks-cli:~/nginx# kubectl delete -f nginx-harbor-lb-pv.yaml service "nginx" deleted deployment "nginx" deleted root@pks-cli:~/nginx#
Now change the manifest file as follows.
- name: nginx-storageclass
mountPath: /test
- name: nginx-storageclass
mountPath: /usr/share/nginx
Launch the application once more:
root@pks-cli:~/nginx# kubectl create -f nginx-harbor-lb-pv.yaml service "nginx" created deployment "nginx" created
And now the Nginx landing page should have your changes persisted, proving that it is storing data even when the application goes away.
Now, when I deployed this application, I requested that the policy should be FTT=0. How do I confirm that. First thing – let’s figure out which worker VM our application is running on. The kubectl describe pod command has the IP address in the Node field. Now we just need to check the IP address of our K8s worker VMs which were deployed by PKS. In my case, it is the VM with the name beginning with vm-617f.
For me, the easiest way now is to use RVC (old habits die hard). If I login and launch the Ruby vSphere Console on my vCenter server, then navigate to VMs, I can list all of the storage objects associated with a particular VM, in this case, my K8s worker VM. As I am not doing anything else with PVs, I expect that there will be only one. And from there I can verify the policy.
/vcsa-06/CH-Datacenter/vms/pcf_vms> ls 0 7b70b6a2-4ae5-42b1-83f9-5dc189881c99/ 1 vm-25370103-3c8b-4393-ba4c-e46873515da3: poweredOn 2 vm-5e0fe3c7-5761-41b6-8ecb-1079e853378c: poweredOn 3 vm-b8bb2ff6-6e6c-4830-98d8-f6f8b62d5522: poweredOn 4 vm-6b3c049f-710d-44dd-badb-bbdef4c81ceb: poweredOn 5 vm-205d59bd-5646-4300-8a51-78fe1663b899: poweredOn 6 vm-617f8efd-b3f5-490d-8f8d-9dc9c58cea0f: poweredOn /vcsa-06/CH-Datacenter/vms/pcf_vms> vsan.vm_object_info 6 VM vm-617f8efd-b3f5-490d-8f8d-9dc9c58cea0f: VM has a non-vSAN datastore Namespace directory Couldn't find info about DOM object 'vm-617f8efd-b3f5-490d-8f8d-9dc9c58cea0f' Disk backing: [vsanDatastore] fef94d5b-fa8b-491f-bf0a-246e962f4850/kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-99724675-8c10-11e8-939b-005056826ff1.vmdk DOM Object: 6ec8515b-8520-fc51-dc46-246e962c2408 (v6, owner: esxi-dell-e.rainpole.com, proxy owner: None, policy: hostFailuresToTolerate = 0, CSN = 7) Component: 6ec8515b-281b-7552-4835-246e962c2408 (state: ACTIVE (5), host: esxi-dell-g.rainpole.com, capacity: naa.500a07510f86d693, cache: naa.5001e82002675164, votes: 1, usage: 0.0 GB, proxy component: false) /vcsa-06/CH-Datacenter/vms/pcf_vms>
That looks good to me (again, scroll left to right to see the full output). I hope that helps you get started with our vSphere Cloud Provider for PVs on PKS (and of course native Kubernetes).
During my testing, I had issues creating the PV. I kept hitting the following issues (scroll to see the full error).
root@pks-cli:~#kubectl describe pvc Name: cormac-slave-claim Namespace: default StorageClass: thin-disk Status: Pending Volume: Labels: <none> Annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration={"apiVersion":"v1","kind":"PersistentVolumeClaim",\ "metadata":{"annotations":{"volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class":"thin-disk"},"name":"cormac-slav... volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class=thin-disk volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-provisioner=kubernetes.io/vsphere-volume Finalizers: [] Capacity: Access Modes: Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Warning ProvisioningFailed <invalid> (x2 over 6s) persistentvolume-controller Failed to \ provision volume with StorageClass "thin-disk": folder '/CH-Datacenter/vm/pcf_vms/7b70b6a2-4ae5-42b1-83f9-5dc189881c99' \ not found root@pks-cli:~#
I’m unsure if this was something that I failed to do during setup, or if it is actually an issue. We’re investigating currently. However, once I manually created the folder with the ID in the warning under the folder, everything worked absolutely fine.
Shameless Plug
If you are planning to attend VMworld 2018, I’ll be running a whole breakout session on next-gen applications running on vSphere/vSAN, and will be paying particular attention to applications that require persistent storage. I’ll be hosting this session with our Storage and Availability CTO and VMware Fellow, Christos Karamanolis. The session is HCI1338BU and is titled HCI: The ideal operating environment for Cloud Native Applications. Hope you can make it. Along the same lines, my colleagues Frank Denneman and Michael Gasch are presenting CNA1553BU– Deep Dive: The value of Running Kubernetes on vSphere. This should be another great session if Kubernetes and/or next-gen applications are your thing. Frank has done a great write-up here on these sessions and what you can expect.