DSM 2.2: Disaster Recovery with Database Replication (Video)
This is the second in a series of videos related to Data Services Manager (DSM) version 2.2 from VMware by Broadcom. In this video, we examine how to configure replication between a primary and a secondary Postgres database. Whilst the video shows the replication being configured between a primary and secondary database managed by the same DSM provider, replication could also be configured between a primary and secondary database managed by different DSM providers. Thus, the primary database could reside on infrastructure managed by one vCenter server, and replicate to a secondary database on infrastructure managed by a completely different vCenter server. This could be in different VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) workload domains, for example. Once replication is in place, the secondary can be promoted to primary in the event of an outage, or for maintenance purposes. Please refer to the official DSM 2.2 documentation for additional details.