Step 1. Get the secret from the namespace context
In this first step, login to the vSphere Namespace context. This is the context where the TKG cluster is deployed. From here, retrieve the Harbor Image Registry secret in YAML format. Store it in a file by redirecting the output of the kubectl get secret command.
% kubectl-vsphere login --vsphere-username administrator@vsphere.local \ --server=https://xx.xx.xx.130 --insecure-skip-tls-verify Logged in successfully. You have access to the following contexts: xx.xx.xx.130 cormac-ns If the context you wish to use is not in this list, you may need to try logging in again later, or contact your cluster administrator. To change context, use `kubectl config use-context <workload name>` % kubectl config use-context cormac-ns Switched to context "cormac-ns". % kubectl get secret -n cormac-ns NAME TYPE DATA AGE cormac-ns-default-image-pull-secret 1 3d1h cormac-ns-default-image-push-secret 1 3d1h default-token-kjh97 3 3d22h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-antrea 3 3d22h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-auth-svc-cert 3 3d22h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-ca Opaque 2 3d22h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-ccm-token-f6d5r 3 3d22h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-control-plane-wlnj5 1 3d1h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-encryption Opaque 1 3d22h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-etcd Opaque 2 3d22h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-extensions-ca 3 3d22h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-kubeconfig Opaque 1 3d22h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-metrics-server-cert 3 3d22h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-proxy Opaque 2 3d22h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-pvcsi-token-2d5rf 3 3d22h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-sa Opaque 2 3d22h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-ssh 1 3d22h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-ssh-password Opaque 1 3d22h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-workers-sjbkl-44v79 1 3d1h tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-workers-sjbkl-wd7xl 1 3d1h % kubectl get secret cormac-ns-default-image-pull-secret NAME TYPE DATA AGE cormac-ns-default-image-pull-secret 1 3d1h % kubectl get secret cormac-ns-default-image-pull-secret -o yaml apiVersion: v1 data: .dockerconfigjson: ewoJCxxxQkJfQ== kind: Secret metadata: creationTimestamp: "2022-05-06T08:24:51Z" name: cormac-ns-default-image-pull-secret namespace: cormac-ns ownerReferences: - apiVersion: blockOwnerDeletion: true controller: true kind: Project name: cormac-ns uid: 4e89eb73-bf14-4ac9-b536-205b0f7923ae resourceVersion: "8090402" selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/cormac-ns/secrets/cormac-ns-default-image-pull-secret uid: 393395c0-0321-4b2f-af90-bbc00d0bcbe0 type: % kubectl get secret cormac-ns-default-image-pull-secret -o yaml > image-pull-secret.yaml %
Step 2. Edit the secret for the TKG cluster context
The secret is stored in a file as seen previously. Modify the file contents so that the secret can be successfully applied to the TKG workload cluster. This means the namespace and the name entries should be modified. The rest of the fields can be left at their default values. In this example, the secret is created in the default namespace in the TKG cluster, and it is renamed to harbor-registry-secret, as shown below.
apiVersion: v1 data: .dockerconfigjson: ewoJCxxxQkJfQ== kind: Secret metadata: creationTimestamp: "2022-05-06T08:24:51Z" name: harbor-registry-secret namespace: default ownerReferences: - apiVersion: blockOwnerDeletion: true controller: true kind: Project name: cormac-ns uid: 4e89eb73-bf14-4ac9-b536-205b0f7923ae resourceVersion: "8090402" selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/cormac-ns/secrets/cormac-ns-default-image-pull-secret uid: 393395c0-0321-4b2f-af90-bbc00d0bcbe0 type:
Step 3. Switch contexts to the TKG cluster, and apply the new secret
Switch contexts from the vSphere Namespace to the context of the TKG guest / workload cluster. First, logout of the current context, and then log back in using the TKG context shown below. Then apply the modified secret YAML manifest that we retrieved from the vSphere Namespace context above.
% kubectl-vsphere logout Logged out of all vSphere namespaces. % kubectl-vsphere login --vsphere-username administrator@vsphere.local \ --server=https://xx.xx.xx.130 --insecure-skip-tls-verify --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace \ cormac-ns --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name tkg-cluster-v1-21-6 Logged in successfully. You have access to the following contexts: xx.xx.xx.130 cormac-ns tkg-cluster-v1-21-6 If the context you wish to use is not in this list, you may need to try logging in again later, or contact your cluster administrator. To change context, use `kubectl config use-context <workload name>` % kubectl config use-context tkg-cluster-v1-21-6 Switched to context "tkg-cluster-v1-21-6". % kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-control-plane-9fn5c Ready control-plane,master 3d1h v1.21.6+vmware.1 tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-worker-pool-1-x2szc-7ffbddd567-8ct8m Ready <none> 3d1h v1.21.6+vmware.1 tkg-cluster-v1-21-6-worker-pool-1-x2szc-7ffbddd567-pn7sp Ready <none> 3d1h v1.21.6+vmware.1 % kubectl get ns NAME STATUS AGE cert-manager Active 3d21h default Active 3d22h kube-node-lease Active 3d22h kube-public Active 3d22h kube-system Active 3d22h tanzu-package-repo-global Active 3d21h tanzu-system-dashboard Active 3d20h tanzu-system-ingress Active 3d21h tanzu-system-monitoring Active 3d21h tanzu-system-service-discovery Active 3d21h tkg-system Active 3d21h vmware-system-auth Active 3d22h vmware-system-cloud-provider Active 3d22h vmware-system-csi Active 3d22h % kubectl apply -f image-pull-secret.yaml secret/harbor-registry-secret created % kubectl get secret NAME TYPE DATA AGE alertmanager-overlay Opaque 1 3d19h cert-manager-default-sa-token-z7c7q 3 3d21h contour-default-sa-token-d5twq 3 3d21h contour-default-values Opaque 1 3d21h default-token-rkmjd 3 3d22h external-dns-default-sa-token-78f7j 3 3d21h external-dns-default-values Opaque 1 3d21h grafana-default-sa-token-8t499 3 3d20h grafana-default-values Opaque 1 3d20h harbor-registry-secret 1 13s prometheus-default-sa-token-5srk8 3 3d21h prometheus-default-values Opaque 1 3d21h
Step 4. Retrieve images from embedded Harbor in TKG
The Harbor Image Registry secret in the TKG cluster has been created It should now be possible to pull images from the embedded Harbor Image Registry. Let’s try that with a simple busybox pod. Note that the image is being pulled from the embedded Harbor Image Registry. The imagePullSecret references our newly created secret which contains the relevant information to successfully connect to the registry.
% cat busybox-pod-HRBR.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: busybox1 namespace: default labels: app: busybox1 spec: containers: - name: busybox image: xx.xx.xx.134/cormac-ns/busybox:latest command: - sleep - "3600" imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent imagePullSecrets: - name: harbor-registry-secret restartPolicy: Always % kubectl apply -f busybox-pod-HRBR.yaml pod/busybox1 created % kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE busybox1 1/1 Running 0 4s
Success! Containers in pods are now able to pull images from the embedded Harbor Image Registry from within the TKG guest/workload cluster.
Note that the embedded Harbor Image Registry has a dependency on NSX-T at the time of writing (vSphere with Tanzu 7.0.3). vSphere with Tanzu with NSX-T networking is available for both on-premises deployments and cloud deployments. The latter is available via Tanzu Services on VMware Cloud on AWS.