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Tanzu Kubernetes Grid multi-cloud (TKGm) from the tkg Command Line Interface

After spending quite a bit of time looking at vSphere with Kubernetes, and how one could deploy a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) “guest” cluster in a namespace with a simple manifest file, I thought it was time to look at other ways in which customers could deploy TKG clusters on top of vSphere infrastructure. In other words, deploy TKG without vSphere with Kubernetes, or VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) for that matter.  This post will look at TKG multi-cloud (TKGm) version 1.1.2 and in particular the tkg command line tool to first deploy a TKG management cluster, and once that is stood up, we will see how simple it is to deploy additional workload TKG clusters.

Now, there are a number of excellent posts out there on TKG already. Here is one from William Lam (a sort of tech preview). Here is another from Chip Zoller and another great one from Kendrick Coleman. While the tkg CLI allows you to deploy to both vSphere and AWS, I will focus on vSphere only in this post.

Cluster-API and Kind

Without getting into the weeds too much, this deployment mechanism relies heavily on Cluster-API, “a Kubernetes project to bring declarative, Kubernetes-style APIs to cluster creation, configuration, and management”. A simple Kubernetes cluster is first stood up, and this is then used to deploy a more substantial Kubernetes cluster via Cluster-API, in our case the TKGm Management cluster. The simple Kubernetes cluster is based on Kind. Kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”. Variations of the following visualization has been a used a lot to help understand how it all ties together, so I’ll share it here once more.

1. Prerequisites

It is envisioned that you should be able use your laptop or desktop or even a VM to deploy TKG. Whichever device you decide to use, you will need the following components available to successfully deploy the cluster.

2. TKG Management Cluster Deployment

Launch the management cluster deployment using the tkg command line tool. The tkg init command starts the creation of the bootstrap cluster. The -u option launches a UI to allow you to select the infrastructure type, as well as add management cluster details.

tkg version
        Version: v1.1.2
        Git commit: c1db5bed7bc95e2ba32cf683c50525cdff0f2396

$ tkg init -u

Logs of the command execution can also be found at: /tmp/tkg-20200702T123104396946940.log

Validating the pre-requisites...
Serving kickstart UI at

At this point, a .tkg folder is created in your home folder. This contains a bunch of components that will be used by the bootstrap process. Now, there is also a way to deploy TKG using a configuration YAML file, but we will look at how to do it via the UI first. Simply open a browser on your desktop/laptop/VM and point to, as shown above.

Let’s review the various inputs that you need to provide in the UI to successfully stand up a TKG management cluster. The first step is to select the infrastructure type where TKG will be deployed. Currently, the options are vSphere and AWS. We are going to do a vSphere deployment.

Next, add details for vSphere, namely the vCenter server, user name and password. Once populated, click connect to make sure you can reach the environment from your desktop/laptop/VM.

A word of caution – I am deploying TKG to my vSphere 7.0 environment. This is not supported, and the following message clearly states that. At the time of writing, 7.0 is not a supported platform for TKG standalone. If you wish to use TKG clusters with vSphere 7, you must use it in the context of vSphere with Kubernetes:

The last steps in this window are to select the Datacenter from the vSphere inventory where the TKG management cluster is to be provisioned, and add your public key to allow you to SSH to the TKG nodes.

Click Next to get to the Management Cluster Settings. Here you can select the Instance Type. If Development is chosen, a single control plane node and a single worker node is deployed. If Production is chosen, three control plane nodes and a single worker node is deployed. At this point, you also (optionally) add a management cluster name and select the API Server Load Balancer (aka HA Proxy). The HA Proxy is an imported OVA converted to a template which is listed in the prerequisites above. Note that different versions of TKG rely on different versions of OVA, so make sure the OVAs are compatible with the TKG release. Finally, select the worker node and HA proxy resources (or in other words, what size of VM do you wish to deploy?).

The next screen looks for vSphere resources, such as VM Folder and Datastore. Select and click next.

Next, select a VM network for the Kubernetes nodes. This network must have DHCP available, and also must be reachable from your desktop/laptop/VM (where you are deploying the TKG from). This has caught a few people out, including myself. The Cluster Pod and Service CIDRs can be left at the defaults.

Last but not least, pick the OVA template for the Kubernetes node OS image. This is the second OVA that you downloaded, deployed and converted to a template in the prerequisite steps. Click next to complete the wizard.

You can now Review the configuration.

And if everything looks good, we can click on the last step to deploy the TKG management cluster.

And now the UI displays that various steps involved in standing up the TKG Management cluster. As mentioned, first the kind cluster (Kubernetes using Docker) is stood up. This is then used to make declarative, Kubernetes-style API requests to bring up the TKG management cluster on vSphere. First, the kind boot strap cluster is configured.

At this point, you can run a docker command in the desktop/laptop/VM and see the bootstrap (kind) cluster:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                COMMAND                 \
 CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                       NAMES

5192939d9c20   "/usr/local/bin/entr…"  \
 13 minutes ago      Up 13 minutes>6443/tcp   tkg-kind-brush57avu7rf0bd8ed0-control-plane

Step 3 is to install the providers to the bootstrap cluster. Providers can be thought of as the components required to running Cluster-API on the different infrastructures, which in this case is vSphere.

In step 4, the bootstrap cluster is up and running. It now starts building the TKG management cluster.

Step 6 is adding the add-ons to the management cluster.  Remember that we will use the TKG management cluster to quickly build out additional workload TKG clusters. Components needed to do that are added here.

Once the TKG management cluster is stood up, we no longer need the bootstrap cluster. This step updates the management cluster with the information in the bootstrap cluster before we delete it.

And at step 8, the TKG management cluster deployment is now complete.

Here is the complete tkg init -u output:

$ tkg init -u

Logs of the command execution can also be found at: /tmp/tkg-20200702T123104396946940.log

Validating the pre-requisites...
Serving kickstart UI at
Validating configuration...
web socket connection established
sending pending 2 logs to UI
Using infrastructure provider vsphere:v0.6.5
Generating cluster configuration...
Setting up bootstrapper...
Bootstrapper created. Kubeconfig: /home/cormac/.kube-tkg/tmp/config_FOd8QIxS
Installing providers on bootstrapper...
Fetching providers
Installing cert-manager
Waiting for cert-manager to be available...
Installing Provider="cluster-api" Version="v0.3.6" TargetNamespace="capi-system"
Installing Provider="bootstrap-kubeadm" Version="v0.3.6" TargetNamespace="capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system"
Installing Provider="control-plane-kubeadm" Version="v0.3.6" TargetNamespace="capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system"
Installing Provider="infrastructure-vsphere" Version="v0.6.5" TargetNamespace="capv-system"
Start creating management cluster...
Saving management cluster kuebconfig into /home/cormac/.kube/config
Installing providers on management cluster...
Fetching providers
Installing cert-manager
Waiting for cert-manager to be available...
Installing Provider="cluster-api" Version="v0.3.6" TargetNamespace="capi-system"
Installing Provider="bootstrap-kubeadm" Version="v0.3.6" TargetNamespace="capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system"
Installing Provider="control-plane-kubeadm" Version="v0.3.6" TargetNamespace="capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system"
Installing Provider="infrastructure-vsphere" Version="v0.6.5" TargetNamespace="capv-system"
Waiting for the management cluster to get ready for move...
Moving all Cluster API objects from bootstrap cluster to management cluster...
Performing move...
Discovering Cluster API objects
Moving Cluster API objects Clusters=1
Creating objects in the target cluster
Deleting objects from the source cluster
Context set for management cluster tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420 as 'tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420-admin@tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420'.

Management cluster created!

You can now create your first workload cluster by running the following:

  tkg create cluster [name] --kubernetes-version=[version] --plan=[plan]

What is interesting to review at this point is the .tkg/config.yaml file that was created as part of this process. Here is the original vanilla config.yaml that was created when the tkg init command was run.

$ cat .tkg/config.yaml
cert-manager-timeout: 30m0s
overridesFolder: /home/cormac/.tkg/overrides
  - name: cluster-api
    url: /home/cormac/.tkg/providers/cluster-api/v0.3.6/core-components.yaml
    type: CoreProvider
  - name: aws
    url: /home/cormac/.tkg/providers/infrastructure-aws/v0.5.4/infrastructure-components.yaml
    type: InfrastructureProvider
  - name: vsphere
    url: /home/cormac/.tkg/providers/infrastructure-vsphere/v0.6.5/infrastructure-components.yaml
    type: InfrastructureProvider
  - name: tkg-service-vsphere
    url: /home/cormac/.tkg/providers/infrastructure-tkg-service-vsphere/v1.0.0/unused.yaml
    type: InfrastructureProvider
  - name: kubeadm
    url: /home/cormac/.tkg/providers/bootstrap-kubeadm/v0.3.6/bootstrap-components.yaml
    type: BootstrapProvider
  - name: kubeadm
    url: /home/cormac/.tkg/providers/control-plane-kubeadm/v0.3.6/control-plane-components.yaml
    type: ControlPlaneProvider
        tag: v0.11.0_vmware.1
    version: v1.1.2

Now, after running the setup of the TKG management domain, this is what we see updated in the config.yaml:

$ cat .tkg/config.yaml
cert-manager-timeout: 30m0s
overridesFolder: /home/cormac/.tkg/overrides
  - name: cluster-api
    url: /home/cormac/.tkg/providers/cluster-api/v0.3.6/core-components.yaml
    type: CoreProvider
  - name: aws
    url: /home/cormac/.tkg/providers/infrastructure-aws/v0.5.4/infrastructure-components.yaml
    type: InfrastructureProvider
  - name: vsphere
    url: /home/cormac/.tkg/providers/infrastructure-vsphere/v0.6.5/infrastructure-components.yaml
    type: InfrastructureProvider
  - name: tkg-service-vsphere
    url: /home/cormac/.tkg/providers/infrastructure-tkg-service-vsphere/v1.0.0/unused.yaml
    type: InfrastructureProvider
  - name: kubeadm
    url: /home/cormac/.tkg/providers/bootstrap-kubeadm/v0.3.6/bootstrap-components.yaml
    type: BootstrapProvider
  - name: kubeadm
    url: /home/cormac/.tkg/providers/control-plane-kubeadm/v0.3.6/control-plane-components.yaml
    type: ControlPlaneProvider
        tag: v0.11.0_vmware.1
    version: v1.1.2
VSPHERE_FOLDER: /Datacenter/vm/Discovered virtual machine
VSPHERE_SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEY: ssh-rsa xxxxxxxxxx
VSPHERE_HAPROXY_TEMPLATE: /Datacenter/vm/Templates/photon-3-haproxy-v1.2.4+vmware.1
VSPHERE_RESOURCE_POOL: /Datacenter/host/OCTO-Cluster/Resources
VSPHERE_DATASTORE: /Datacenter/datastore/vsanDatastore
VSPHERE_USERNAME: administrator@vsphere.local
      - name: tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420
        context: tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420-admin@tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420
        file: /home/cormac/.kube-tkg/config
        isCurrentContext: false
    current-region-context: tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420-admin@tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420

This config.yaml can now be used to deploy future TKG management clusters directly from the command line, rather than from the UI.

3. Query TKG Management Cluster Deployment

At this point, the TKG management cluster has been now been deployed to my vSphere environment. We can query it as follows:

$ tkg get management-cluster
tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420 *  tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420-admin@tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420

I requested a “dev” deployment which provides a single control plane VM and a single worker VM. If we switch contexts to the management cluster, we can verify that.

$ kubectl config get-contexts
CURRENT   NAME                                                                    CLUSTER                           AUTHINFO                                NAMESPACE
          tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420-admin@tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420   tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420   tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420-admin

$ kubectl config use-context tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420-admin@tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420
Switched to context "tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420-admin@tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420".

$ kubectl config get-contexts
CURRENT   NAME                                                                    CLUSTER                           AUTHINFO                                NAMESPACE
*         tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420-admin@tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420   tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420   tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420-admin

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                                                   STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION
tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420-control-plane-ftrdz    Ready    master   111m   v1.18.3+vmware.1
tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420-md-0-cfd484f8b-xhcjc   Ready    <none>   108m   v1.18.3+vmware.1

Obviously the management cluster is also visible in the vSphere inventory:

The TKG management cluster is provisioned as was requested previously. Let’s turn our attention to now deploying a TKG workload cluster.

4. TKG Workload Cluster Deployment

All of this can be done from the tkg command line. Once again, I am going to deploy a simple cluster with one control plane VM and one worker VM. To do that, I specify a plan called “dev” in the tkg command (the alternative plan is “prod”). After creating the cluster, I use another tkg command to retrieve the credentials. This automatically populates my KUBECONFIG. After changing contexts to the workload cluster, I can query the nodes, and once again see that there is a single master and a single worker.

$ tkg create cluster cormac-workload --plan dev
Logs of the command execution can also be found at: /tmp/tkg-20200701T171627162185280.log
Validating configuration...
Creating workload cluster 'cormac-workload'...
Waiting for cluster to be initialized...
Waiting for cluster nodes to be available...

Workload cluster 'cormac-workload' created

$ tkg get cluster
cormac-workload  default    running  1/1           1/1      v1.18.3+vmware.1

$ tkg get credentials cormac-workload
Credentials of workload cluster 'cormac-workload' have been saved
You can now access the cluster by running 'kubectl config use-context cormac-workload-admin@cormac-workload'

$ kubectl config get-contexts
CURRENT   NAME                                                                    CLUSTER                           AUTHINFO                                NAMESPACE
          cormac-workload-admin@cormac-workload                                   cormac-workload                   cormac-workload-admin
*         tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420-admin@tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420   tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420   tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200702124420-admin

$ kubectl config use-context cormac-workload-admin@cormac-workload
Switched to context "cormac-workload-admin@cormac-workload".

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                                    STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION
cormac-workload-control-plane-9g2n9     Ready    master   3m4s   v1.18.3+vmware.1
cormac-workload-md-0-5475745498-ncstb   Ready    <none>   89s    v1.18.3+vmware.1

Now you can begin to use this workload cluster for applications. You can begin to build Storage Classes, Persistent Volumes, Persistent Volume Claims, Pods, and so on. And of course, you can run many more tkg commands to build additional workload clusters. In the example above, I created only the simplest of clusters. If you select the “prod” or production plan, you can also specify requirements such as the number of control plane nodes, the number of worker nodes, and the image that should be used for the nodes. Here is an example of a workload cluster with 3 control plane nodes and 5 worker nodes.

$ tkg create cluster cormac-workload --plan=prod -c 3 -w 5
Logs of the command execution can also be found at: /tmp/tkg-20200703T095705874206587.log
Validating configuration...
Creating workload cluster 'cormac-workload'...
Waiting for cluster to be initialized...
Waiting for cluster nodes to be available...

Workload cluster 'cormac-workload' created


And this is what that cluster looks like in the vSphere inventory:

$ kubectl config get-contexts
CURRENT   NAME                                                                    CLUSTER                           AUTHINFO                                NAMESPACE
*         tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200703085854-admin@tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200703085854   tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200703085854   tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200703085854-admin

$ tkg get credentials cormac-workload
Credentials of workload cluster 'cormac-workload' have been saved
You can now access the cluster by running 'kubectl config use-context cormac-workload-admin@cormac-workload'

$ kubectl config get-contexts
CURRENT   NAME                                                                    CLUSTER                           AUTHINFO                                NAMESPACE
          cormac-workload-admin@cormac-workload                                   cormac-workload                   cormac-workload-admin
*         tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200703085854-admin@tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200703085854   tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200703085854   tkg-mgmt-vsphere-20200703085854-admin

$ kubectl config use-context cormac-workload-admin@cormac-workload
Switched to context "cormac-workload-admin@cormac-workload".

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                                    STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
cormac-workload-control-plane-8jgrn     Ready    master   3m1s    v1.18.3+vmware.1
cormac-workload-control-plane-96mnz     Ready    master   5m46s   v1.18.3+vmware.1
cormac-workload-control-plane-cvrj6     Ready    master   10m     v1.18.3+vmware.1
cormac-workload-md-0-5475745498-2pg9d   Ready    <none>   5m49s   v1.18.3+vmware.1
cormac-workload-md-0-5475745498-md8vn   Ready    <none>   5m46s   v1.18.3+vmware.1
cormac-workload-md-0-5475745498-q75st   Ready    <none>   5m43s   v1.18.3+vmware.1
cormac-workload-md-0-5475745498-vfq6t   Ready    <none>   5m43s   v1.18.3+vmware.1
cormac-workload-md-0-5475745498-xjm9d   Ready    <none>   5m51s   v1.18.3+vmware.1

5. TKG Cleanup

Cleaning up TKG is a two-folder process. First remove the workload clusters, then delete the management cluster. After deleting the workload cluster, I changed contexts to the management cluster just to query the clusters from kubectl. This step is not necessary – it is just another way of querying the cluster.

One other interesting point is that the kind bootstrap cluster is stood up once again. I assume this is so we can switch to that cluster in order to be able to full delete the management cluster, rather than try to delete the object that we are currently communicating to.

$ tkg get cluster
cormac-workload  default    running  1/1           1/1      v1.18.3+vmware.1

$ tkg delete cluster cormac-workload
Deleting workload cluster 'cormac-workload'. Are you sure?: y█
workload cluster cormac-workload is being deleted

$ tkg get cluster

$ kubectl config get-contexts
CURRENT   NAME                    CLUSTER      AUTHINFO           NAMESPACE
          tkgmgmt-admin@tkgmgmt   tkgmgmt      tkgmgmt-admin

$ kubectl config use-context  tkgmgmt-admin@tkgmgmt
Switched to context "tkgmgmt-admin@tkgmgmt".

$ kubectl get cluster -A
tkg-system   tkgmgmt   Provisioned

$ tkg get management-cluster
tkgmgmt *                tkgmgmt-admin@tkgmgmt

$ tkg delete management-cluster tkgmgmt
Logs of the command execution can also be found at: /tmp/tkg-20200702T122047044190616.log
Deleting management cluster 'tkgmgmt'. Are you sure?: y█
Verifying management cluster...
Setting up cleanup cluster...
Installing providers to cleanup cluster...
Fetching providers
Installing cert-manager
Waiting for cert-manager to be available...
Installing Provider="cluster-api" Version="v0.3.6" TargetNamespace="capi-system"
Installing Provider="bootstrap-kubeadm" Version="v0.3.6" TargetNamespace="capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system"
Installing Provider="control-plane-kubeadm" Version="v0.3.6" TargetNamespace="capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system"
Installing Provider="infrastructure-vsphere" Version="v0.6.5" TargetNamespace="capv-system"
Moving Cluster API objects from management cluster to cleanup cluster...
Performing move...
Discovering Cluster API objects
Moving Cluster API objects Clusters=1
Creating objects in the target cluster
Deleting objects from the source cluster
Waiting for the Cluster API objects to get ready after move...
Deleting regional management cluster...
Management cluster 'tkgmgmt' deleted.
Deleting the management cluster context from the kubeconfig file '/home/cormac/.kube/config'
warning: this removed your active context, use "kubectl config use-context" to select a different one

Management cluster deleted!

And at this point, all traces of the TKG clusters are removed.

6. TKG Deployment Troubleshooting

There may be a need to see why the TKH management cluster did not deploy successfully. One of the ways of doing this is the login to the bootstrap cluster / Kind control plane container, using a docker exec commnd as follows:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                COMMAND                  \
CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                       NAMES
e9b5fb8b986a   "/usr/local/bin/entr…"   \
2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes>6443/tcp   tkg-kind-brveafnavu7g23j0t5e0-control-plane

$ docker exec -it e9b5fb8b986a /bin/bash

Now you can look at the various log files for the bootstrap cluster. These are all located in /var/log.

root@tkg-kind-brveafnavu7g23j0t5e0-control-plane:/# cd /var/log
root@tkg-kind-brveafnavu7g23j0t5e0-control-plane:/var/log# ls pods

root@tkg-kind-brveafnavu7g23j0t5e0-control-plane:/var/log# ls containers

For deeper troubleshooting consider the Crash Recovery and Diagnostics for Kubernetes (crashd for short). This will collect all necessary logs from the cluster for you, rather than you having to exec to the cluster as shown previously. More crashd detail can be found here.

I hope this has given you a good grasp of the TKG (standalone) product, and how it can be used to very simply and very quickly deploy Kubernetes clusters.

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