Disclaimer: “Once again, I want to be perfectly clear. This post is based on a pre-GA version of vSphere with Kubernetes. While the assumption is that not much should change between the time of writing and when the product becomes generally available, I want readers to be aware that feature behaviour and the user interface could still change before then.”
In this post, I will go through the following steps to deploy a TKG guest cluster in my already configured vSphere with Kubernetes environment.
- Create a new namespace for my TKG guest cluster
- Create a Content Library and sync it to the TKG supported image(s) for virtual machines
- Ensure the the image is visible in my namespace
- Deploy a TKG guest cluster
- Change to the new TKG guest cluster context
- Create a simple PVC/PV to show enhancements to CNS (Cloud Native Storage) to handle TKG guest cluster volumes in vSphere with Kubernetes
Step 1. Create a new namespace
We’ve already seen how to do this in the earlier vSphere with Kubernetes post. The process is the same. Here are my existing namespaces:
Next, I create a new Namespace, this time called tkg-guest-01.
And here is my successfully created namespace where I plan to deploy the TKG guest cluster:
The next step is to Add Storage. As I did in the previous post, I am once again going to use the vSAN default storage policy. Remember that this policy shows up as a Kubernetes Storage Class in our namespace.
And that completes the namespace setup. Obviously you can modify the permissions and limits associated with the namespace if you so wish, but I’m going to leave them at the defaults for this exercise. Let’s move onto the Content Library next.
Step 2. Configure a Content Library
Next step is to create a content library so that we can sync it to the external TKG images. This is relatively straight forward, but I’ll include it here for completeness. First thing to do is to provide a name for the Content Library. I have always used the name Kubernetes, as this was the guidance given back in the vSphere with Kubernetes beta days. I’m not 100% completely sure if other names can be used. I guess the official docs will tell us at GA time. [Update] And they do – any name can be used. The other step here is to choose a vCenter Server. Since this environment was deployed using VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) 4.0, there will be at least 2 vCenter Servers – one for the Management Domain and one for the Workload Domain (WLD) where we deployed vSphere with Kubernetes. It is the WLD vCenter Server that should be chosen.
The next step is to select Subscribed content library and provide the URL. I’ve blanked it out here, because as sure as eggs are eggs, it will change again for GA. Once the Subscription URL is confirmed, I’ll come back and update it. This again will be confirmed in the GA documentation. [Update] The URL is now confirmed in the docs – it is https://wp-content.vmware.com/v2/latest/lib.json
Select a datastore on which to store the Content Library. I’ve chosen my vSAN datastore.
After a moment, we should start seeing Sync tasks appearing in the vSphere UI task bar.
We will come back to this later and query the available images from the kubectl CLI. However, there is one other important step, and that is to connect the Content Library to our vSphere cluster. Select the vSphere Cluster > Configure > Namespace > General and click on the Content Library Add Library button.
Select the Kubernetes Content Library that we just created, and click OK to add it to the cluster.
The General view should now look something like this.
That completes the work needed in the vSphere UI for the moment. Let’s now head down to the command line where we will do the TKG guest cluster deployment.
Step 3. Deploy the TKG guest cluster
We looked at some of the command line tools when we looked at the vSphere with Kubernetes deployment previously. There are two – kubectl and kubectl-vsphere. The former is the general Kubernetes command line tool for communicating with the API server. The latter is a vSphere with Kubernetes specific tool, primarily used for authentication. To begin, we login, list the nodes, the namespaces and set our context to our new namespace we created earlier in step 1. We then make sure that the StorageClass is available and that the TKG guest cluster virtual machine image is synced and available in the Content Library. This image is used to create the control plane VM and worker node VMs in the TKG guest cluster.
$ kubectl-vsphere login --vsphere-username administrator@vsphere.local --server= \ --insecure-skip-tls-verify Password: *************** Logged in successfully. You have access to the following contexts: cormac-ns tkg-guest-01 If the context you wish to use is not in this list, you may need to try logging in again later, or contact your cluster administrator. To change context, use `kubectl config use-context <workload name>` $ kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION 423aace716b34ba158132148a4d1cb47 Ready master 24h v1.16.7-2+bfe512e5ddaaaa 423ac0a8088af7f83a732d1e317296d1 Ready master 24h v1.16.7-2+bfe512e5ddaaaa 423ae8cd4e4a6d6cb36858057c11a78b Ready master 24h v1.16.7-2+bfe512e5ddaaaa esxi-dell-g.rainpole.com Ready agent 24h v1.16.7-sph-4d52cd1 esxi-dell-j.rainpole.com Ready agent 24h v1.16.7-sph-4d52cd1 esxi-dell-l.rainpole.com Ready agent 24h v1.16.7-sph-4d52cd1 $ kubectl get ns NAME STATUS AGE cormac-ns Active 21h default Active 3d kube-node-lease Active 3d kube-public Active 3d kube-system Active 3d tkg-guest-01 Active 34m vmware-system-capw Active 3d vmware-system-csi Active 3d vmware-system-kubeimage Active 3d vmware-system-nsx Active 3d vmware-system-registry Active 3d vmware-system-registry-1812432932 Active 21h vmware-system-tkg Active 3d vmware-system-ucs Active 3d vmware-system-vmop Active 3d $ kubectl config get-contexts CURRENT NAME CLUSTER AUTHINFO NAMESPACE * wcp: cormac-ns wcp: cormac-ns tkg-guest-01 wcp: tkg-guest-01 $ kubectl config use-context tkg-guest-01 Switched to context "tkg-guest-01". $ kubectl config get-contexts CURRENT NAME CLUSTER AUTHINFO NAMESPACE wcp: cormac-ns wcp: cormac-ns * tkg-guest-01 wcp: tkg-guest-01 $ kubectl get sc NAME PROVISIONER AGE vsan-default-storage-policy csi.vsphere.vmware.com 38m $ kubectl get virtualmachineimages NAME AGE photon-3-k8s-v1.16.8---vmware.1-tkg.1.6b5edc7 44m
Looks like everything is in order. We’ve switched to the new namespace, and have verified that the Storage Class and Virtual Machine Image are both available. We can now proceed with deploying the TKG guest cluster. This is the manifest that I am using to deploy the cluster.
apiVersion: run.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1 kind: TanzuKubernetesCluster metadata: name: ch-tkg—cluster01 spec: topology: controlPlane: count: 1 class: guaranteed-small storageClass: vsan-default-storage-policy workers: count: 3 class: guaranteed-small storageClass: vsan-default-storage-policy distribution: version: v1.16
In this manifest, we have request a single control plane node and 3 worker nodes. We will use the vsan-default-storage-policy for the Storage Class as it is the only one we configured in this namespace. The size of the nodes is set to guaranteed-small (a full list of options will appear in the GA documentation). Guaranteed is similar to resource reservations on vSphere. You can also display the available options running the following command:
$ kubectl get virtualmachineclasses NAME AGE best-effort-large 46h best-effort-medium 46h best-effort-small 46h best-effort-xlarge 46h best-effort-xsmall 46h guaranteed-large 46h guaranteed-medium 46h guaranteed-small 46h guaranteed-xlarge 46h guaranteed-xsmall 46h
You can then describe the class that you are interested in for more details, including resources (highlighted in blue below).
$ kubectl describe virtualmachineclasses guaranteed-small Name: guaranteed-small Namespace: Labels: <none> Annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: {"apiVersion":"vmoperator.vmware.com/v1alpha1","kind":"VirtualMachineClass","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"guaranteed-small"},"spec"... API Version: vmoperator.vmware.com/v1alpha1 Kind: VirtualMachineClass Metadata: Creation Timestamp: 2020-04-06T08:51:21Z Generation: 1 Resource Version: 1342 Self Link: /apis/vmoperator.vmware.com/v1alpha1/virtualmachineclasses/guaranteed-small UID: e6a23ad0-d67c-42ac-8a4c-34af6ac2ee07 Spec: Hardware: Cpus: 2 Memory: 4Gi Policies: Resources: Requests: Cpu: 2000m Memory: 4Gi Events: <none>
Finally, we have chosen distribution version v1.16 which matches the VM image in our Content Library; you do not have to put the full image name in the manifest. Looks like we are good to go.
$ kubectl apply -f cormac-tkg-cluster-01.yaml tanzukubernetescluster.run.tanzu.vmware.com/ch-tkg--cluster created
Now there are a number of things that are going to go on under the covers to deploy the TKG guest cluster. A number of the moving parts are discussed in this Project Pacific post from VMworld 2019. These involve Guest Cluster Manager, Cluster API and the VM Operator. I’m not going to delve into the details here, but check back on the Pacific post if your are interested in how these components work together to deploy a TKG guest cluster.
4. Review the TKG deployment via kubectl
Let’s see how the deployment has progressed. First let’s look at the cluster.
$ kubectl get TanzuKubernetesCluster NAME CONTROL PLANE WORKER DISTRIBUTION AGE PHASE ch-tkg-cluster01 1 3 v1.16.8+vmware.1-tkg.3.60d2ffd 12m running
And we can also query the VMs that back the control plane and nodes:
$ kubectl get VirtualMachines NAME AGE ch-tkg-cluster01-control-plane-82qdg 11m ch-tkg-cluster01-workers-l5rxp-6bb6c57c49-6vg6h 5m33s ch-tkg-cluster01-workers-l5rxp-6bb6c57c49-hrrcj 5m32s ch-tkg-cluster01-workers-l5rxp-6bb6c57c49-qs6mg 5m32s
What is very interesting is a describe against the cluster. We can see the topology (1 control plane node and 3 worker nodes). We can see the distribution version. We can also see the various addons used in the cluster. Note the two items highlighted in blue below. I will discuss those in a bit more detail next.
$ kubectl describe TanzuKubernetesCluster ch-tkg-cluster01 Name: ch-tkg-cluster01 Namespace: tkg-guest-01 Labels: <none> Annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: {"apiVersion":"run.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1","kind":"TanzuKubernetesCluster","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"ch-tkg-cluster01","name... API Version: run.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1 Kind: TanzuKubernetesCluster Metadata: Creation Timestamp: 2020-04-02T12:50:56Z Finalizers: tanzukubernetescluster.run.tanzu.vmware.com Generation: 1 Resource Version: 1702313 Self Link: /apis/run.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha1/namespaces/tkg-guest-01/tanzukubernetesclusters/ch-tkg-cluster01 UID: 50ba1cfd-dd88-4f71-90f9-28fcc1303df9 Spec: Distribution: Full Version: v1.16.8+vmware.1-tkg.3.60d2ffd Version: v1.16 Settings: Network: Cni: Name: calico Pods: Cidr Blocks: Service Domain: cluster.local Services: Cidr Blocks: Topology: Control Plane: Class: guaranteed-small Count: 1 Storage Class: vsan-default-storage-policy Workers: Class: guaranteed-small Count: 3 Storage Class: vsan-default-storage-policy Status: Addons: Cloudprovider: Name: vmware-guest-cluster Status: applied Version: v1.16.8+vmware.1-tkg.3.60d2ffd Cni: Name: calico Status: applied Version: v1.16.8+vmware.1-tkg.3.60d2ffd Csi: Name: pvcsi Status: applied Version: v1.16.8+vmware.1-tkg.3.60d2ffd Dns: Name: CoreDNS Status: applied Version: v1.6.5_vmware.2 Proxy: Name: kube-proxy Status: applied Version: 1.16.8+vmware.1 Psp: Name: defaultpsp Status: applied Version: v1.16.8+vmware.1-tkg.3.60d2ffd Cluster API Status: API Endpoints: Host: Port: 6443 Phase: provisioned Node Status: Ch - Tkg - Cluster 01 - Control - Plane - 82 Qdg: ready Ch - Tkg - Cluster 01 - Workers - L 5 Rxp - 6 Bb 6 C 57 C 49 - 6 Vg 6 H: ready Ch - Tkg - Cluster 01 - Workers - L 5 Rxp - 6 Bb 6 C 57 C 49 - Hrrcj: ready Ch - Tkg - Cluster 01 - Workers - L 5 Rxp - 6 Bb 6 C 57 C 49 - Qs 6 Mg: ready Phase: running Vm Status: Ch - Tkg - Cluster 01 - Control - Plane - 82 Qdg: ready Ch - Tkg - Cluster 01 - Workers - L 5 Rxp - 6 Bb 6 C 57 C 49 - 6 Vg 6 H: ready Ch - Tkg - Cluster 01 - Workers - L 5 Rxp - 6 Bb 6 C 57 C 49 - Hrrcj: ready Ch - Tkg - Cluster 01 - Workers - L 5 Rxp - 6 Bb 6 C 57 C 49 - Qs 6 Mg: ready Events: <none>
CNI – Calico
In the Addons section above, CNI (Container Network Interface), there is a reference to Calico. This is because in TKG clusters, Calico is being used to provide Pod to Pod communication. The CIDRs for the Pods and Services are visible further back in the describe output.
Also in the Addons section above, CSI (Container Storage Interface), there is a reference to the paravirtual CSI or pvCSI. This is the modified version of the CSI driver for TKG guest clusters. The reason it is called pvCSI is because it “proxies” requests from the guest cluster to the supervisor cluster which in turn communicates to vCenter and CNS to create persistent volumes (first class disks, VMDKs) on the appropriate vSphere storage. Shortly we will see some updates to CNS which reflect this level of indirection.
5. Review the TKG deployment via UI
From a UI perspective, we can now see the TKG cluster deployed in the tkg-guest-01 namespace. We can also see the control plane node and the three worker nodes.
If we select the tkg-guest-01 Namespace > Configure > VMware Resources > Tanzu Kubernetes, we can see more details about the TKG cluster. Note that the API Server’s Load Balancer IP address ( is provided from an Ingress range that we provided during the initial vSphere with Kubernetes deployment.
Thus, in this release, we have NSX-T taking care of the north-south traffic from the TKG cluster (Igress and Egress for Load Balancers and SNAT), and Calico taking care of the east-west traffic. Pods get allocated IP addresses from the range and Services get allocated IP addresses from the range by Calico.
One last thing to show you is the VMware Resources > Virtual Machines. where we can see details about the TKG cluster node VMs, including the manifest for the VM class.
The VM class can be view to see details about how the node was configured, including its resource guarantee.
6. Change context to TKG, operate at guest cluster level
Now we switch contexts. Rather than use the namespace context, we switch context to the TKG cluster. This enables us to run operations in the context of the guest cluster. To do this, log out and log back in, specifying the TKG cluster namespace and cluster name in the login command. The login is a rather long command, as you can see below.
$ kubectl-vsphere logout Your KUBECONFIG context has changed. The current KUBECONFIG context is unset. To change context, use `kubectl config use-context <workload name>` Logged out of all vSphere namespaces. $ kubectl-vsphere login --vsphere-username administrator@vsphere.local \ --server= --insecure-skip-tls-verify --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-namespace=tkg-guest-01 \ --tanzu-kubernetes-cluster-name=ch-tkg-cluster01 Password: ************** Logged in successfully. You have access to the following contexts: ch-tkg-cluster01 cormac-ns tkg-guest-01 tkg-guest-02 If the context you wish to use is not in this list, you may need to try logging in again later, or contact your cluster administrator. To change context, use `kubectl config use-context <workload name>` $ kubectl config get-contexts CURRENT NAME CLUSTER AUTHINFO NAMESPACE wcp: * ch-tkg-cluster01 wcp: cormac-ns wcp: cormac-ns tkg-guest-01 wcp: tkg-guest-01 tkg-guest-02 wcp: tkg-guest-02
Now that we are in the context of the cluster, and kubectl commands should only apply to this context. For example, when I run some kubectl commands, the output should reflect the TKG guest cluster and not the Supervisor cluster. Let’s display the K8s nodes of the TKG to prove my point. As you can see, the output now reflects the TKG cluster. Compare this to the list of nodes we displayed when we first logged in to the namespace back in step 3.
$ kubectl get nodes -o wide NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION INTERNAL-IP EXTERNAL-IP OS-IMAGE KERNEL-VERSION CONTAINER-RUNTIME ch-tkg-cluster01-control-plane-82qdg Ready master 12m v1.16.8+vmware.1 <none> VMware Photon OS/Linux 4.19.97-5.ph3-esx docker://18.9.9 ch-tkg-cluster01-workers-l5rxp-6bb6c57c49-6vg6h Ready <none> 4m34s v1.16.8+vmware.1 <none> VMware Photon OS/Linux 4.19.97-5.ph3-esx docker://18.9.9 ch-tkg-cluster01-workers-l5rxp-6bb6c57c49-hrrcj Ready <none> 4m40s v1.16.8+vmware.1 <none> VMware Photon OS/Linux 4.19.97-5.ph3-esx docker://18.9.9 ch-tkg-cluster01-workers-l5rxp-6bb6c57c49-qs6mg Ready <none> 4m34s v1.16.8+vmware.1 <none> VMware Photon OS/Linux 4.19.97-5.ph3-esx docker://18.9.9
7. CNS in TKG guest clusters in vSphere with Kubernetes
Earlier we saw the reference to pvCSI and we mentioned how it integrates with CNS to show both Supervisor Cluster and TKG guest cluster information. Let’s take a quick look at that now. While this cluster can now be used in the same way as a standard Kubernetes deployment, I am only going to use a very simple PVC (Persistent Volume Claim) manifest file to create a standalone PV (Persistent Volume) to show the new CNS capabilities.
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: tkg-pvc
storageClassName: vsan-default-storage-policy
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 1Gi
We now go ahead and create the PV on our TKG guest cluster.
$ kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml persistentvolumeclaim/tkg-pvc created $ kubectl get pvc NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE tkg-pvc Bound pvc-48317d1c-7f72-4dfd-bf35-8f7b3e930204 1Gi RWO vsan-default-storage-policy 30s $ kubectl get pv NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE pvc-48317d1c-7f72-4dfd-bf35-8f7b3e930204 1Gi RWO Delete Bound default/tkg-pvc vsan-default-storage-policy 13s
Now, remember, this is a Persistent Volume that we requested on the TKG guest cluster. This request needs to make its way to the Supervisor cluster, so that it can communicate with the vCenter server and CNS and request the volume create operation as well as retrieve and store information about the volume. There is a Persistent Volume Claim at the Guest level and a corresponding Persistent Volume Claim at the Supervisor level. The CNS UI in vSphere with Kubernetes shows both when a PV is created in a TKG cluster.
If the select the vSphere cluster object, navigate to Monitor > Cloud Native Storage > Container Volume, the Persistent Volume is visible. We can see some information about the PV.
Next, if we click on the volume for more details, we see additional Kubernetes related information, including information about this Persistent Volume at both the Supervisor and Guest cluster level.
So VI Admins have the ability to trace a K8s volume created on a Guest Cluster all the way back to the Supervisor cluster and vSphere. I’ve only started looking at this behaviour myself and I hope to do a lot more with it going forward.
That concludes this post on a first look at Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, deployed as a guest cluster on vSphere with Kubernetes. Let me know what you think.