1. Deploy Admiral
This is very straight-forward. Deploy a VM (in this case, Photon OS), start/enable docker, and deploy Admiral as a container. Note the port mapping of 8282:
[ ~ ]# systemctl start docker [ ~ ]# systemctl enable docker [ ~ ]# docker run -d -p 8282:8282 --name admiral vmware/admiral Unable to find image 'vmware/admiral:latest' locally latest: Pulling from vmware/admiral cb261545df3a: Pull complete 49c266ee129c: Pull complete ce4c0f9e0889: Pull complete 6ca363de293a: Pull complete df06bdf7edd7: Pull complete 913e27cbda48: Pull complete Digest: sha256:2bfe48271aa0f1ef5339260ca5800f867f25003521da908e961e59005fdd13a4 Status: Downloaded newer image for vmware/admiral:latest 9de9402a88eb3e31aa26cc4a0aa3d30e6f6c8c1c788db91a0d99f5b3556f171f [ ~ ]#
Next, open a browser, point it to this VM and port 8282. You should observe the following Admiral landing page:
Let’s now go ahead and add a host. As mentioned, this could be as something as simple as a VM (running docker) that you wish to deploy containers to, but in this example we are going to point it at a VIC deployment. You will need the public and private certificates from your VCH deployment, as well as the docker API endpoint. To get the docker API endpoint provided by a VCH, the following command can be used from the host where the VCH was deployed:
[ /workspace/vic ]# ./vic-machine-linux inspect \ -t 'administrator@vsphere.local:VMware123!@' INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:50Z] ### Inspecting VCH #### INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:50Z] INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:50Z] VCH ID: VirtualMachine:vm-1207 INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:51Z] INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:51Z] Installer version: v0.6.0-4890-4f98611 INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:51Z] VCH version: v0.6.0-4890-4f98611 INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:51Z] INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:51Z] VCH upgrade status: INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:51Z] Installer has same version as VCH INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:51Z] No upgrade available with this installer version INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:51Z] INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:51Z] vic-admin portal: INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:51Z] INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:51Z] INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:51Z] DOCKER_HOST= INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:51Z] INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:51Z] Connect to docker: INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:51Z] docker -H --tls info INFO[2016-11-09T11:42:51Z] Completed successfully [ /workspace/vic ]#
The docker API endpoint is highlighted in red above. You will also need the public certificate and private key to authenticate to the VCH from Admiral. This information is found in the directory where you initially deployed the VCH using vic-machine-*, and by default will be called virtual-container-host-cert.pem and virtual-container-host-key.pem. The names will be different if you used a non-default name for the VCH.
With this information, we can now go ahead and add this VCH as a host to Admiral. Back in the Admiral UI, click on Add Host, and enter the IP address of the docker API endpoint, as well as the port (2376). In the placement zone section, simply select the default placement zone. In the login credentials section, select new credentials, change the type from user to certificate, and add the public certificate and private key contents to the appropriate sections, as shown here:
[ /workspace/vic ]# docker -H --tls ps -a CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES ef98ebbbe9c3 library/nginx:latest "nginx -g daemon off;" 5 minutes ago \ Running nginx-mcm136_27086590482 6c8d6a4add24 ubuntu "bash" 7 days ago Exited (0) insane_einstein [ /workspace/vic ]#
3. Orchestrate container deployments from Harbor to VIC via Admiral
In the Templates view in Admiral, click on the “Manage Registries” button. This should show the default registry, which is of course docker hub. That is where all the templates that you observed previously were available from. Now click on the +Add button, and we will add a registry from our Harbor deployment.
You can learn more about Admiral, and even contribute to it, via Github.