If you are using the Virtual SAN Health Check Plugin version 6.0 (and if you use Virtual SAN 6.0, you definitely should be using it), there is a new patch now available.
Note that this new Health Check plugin version 6.0.1 release only requires the vCenter server to be updated. There are no new ESXi host side VIBs required. The patch comes as a new installable RPM for the vCenter appliance and a new MSI for Windows versions of vCenter server.
[Update] For the most part, once the RPM or MSI has updated, there should be no further action needed. However, there have been a few occasions where the health check reports that the VIBs on the ESXi host need to be updated. This can happen when EAM (ESX Agent Manager) does a check on the VIBs during a health service restart (e.g. when the post install script is run). This is simply rectified in a mater of seconds by clicking on the “Retry” button in the VSAN > Manage > Health view.
This patch includes a number of enhancements for the VSAN Health Check Plugin 6.0:
- Better handling for Health Check Plug-in VIBs that are manually installed on the ESXi hosts.
- Enhancement for Virtual SAN physical disk capacity check.
- Updates to Support Assistant.
- Updates to Customer Experience Improvement Program.
This patch also includes a fix for minor Support Assistant issue when uploading support bundles. There are also a number of workarounds for known issues observed with version 6.0. You can download the plug-in installer from the VSAN download web site. The Health Check Plug-in is listed under VMware Virtual SAN Tools and Plug-ins.
If you are using the Health Check Plugin for VSAN 6.0, consider applying this patch in your next maintenance cycle. The release notes which have further information on limitations, known issues and fixes can be found here.
After installing or upgrading to health check version 6.0.1, please make sure the vCenter services are restarted after the patch has been installed. Further information on the health service, and how to upgrade can be found here in the Virtual SAN 6.0 Health Check Plugin Guide or in the release notes.